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Physics/Business Option, (Ph.D.)


The Ph.D. in Physics is also available with a business option. Students entering the Ph.D. program with a BS are normally expected to complete the Ph.D. requirements within five years. At the end of the fourth year of graduate studies, a candidate for the Ph.D. in Physics who has demonstrated sufficient progress in research (dissertation), may submit a written request to the Department of Physics & Astronomy for admission to this program. Providing there is a clear indication that the student can reasonably be expected to complete all the requirements for the Ph.D. within five years, permission will be granted to apply to the director of admissions of the MBA Program of the Neeley School of Business. During the fifth year, the student is expected to continue with the dissertation on a reduced scale, and, if on departmental assistantship, to perform designated departmental teaching duties. Students entering the Ph.D. program with advanced standing (MS degree or more) can request an accelerated program.

In addition to the course-work, qualifying examinations and dissertation requirements specified for the Ph.D. degree in Physics, the student will satisfy the following conditions specified by the Neeley School of Business:

  1. Students electing to take the business option will take the 18 hours of MBA coursework over the course of two consecutive semesters (entering in the fall and finishing in the spring semesters).

  2. Students are required to attend the START Workshop conducted by the Neeley School that occurs just before the start of the fall semester. Students are assessed a fee for the workshop.

  3. The Neeley School will accept the results of the GRE.

  4. The director of admissions has sole authority to admit physics Ph.D. candidates to the MBA program (whether they seek the MBA degree or the option).

  5. Under the assumption that the students come to the program with a good background in statistics, they would take the following courses (course list subject to change):

Fall Semester (15 hours)

ACCT 60010

Financial Reporting


FINA 60010

Financial Management I


MARK 60010

Marketing Management


INSC 60060

Decision Models


MANA 60330

Engaging People


BUSI 60050

Global Environment of Business


INSC 60020

Managing Operations and Processes


MANA 60340

Leading Teams and Orgs


BUSI 60070

Business Simulation


Plus 1 course from the following

FINA 70010

Financial Management II


MARK 70010

Marketing issues and Problems


INSC 70600

Supply Chain Analytics


Spring Semester (3 hours)

ACCT 60020

Accounting for Managerial Planning and Control


FINA 60020

Managerial Economics


  1. The foregoing may be adjusted in the event of realignment in the sequence of courses in the MBA program.

  2. Students who wish to continue their studies in the program after their first year of business courses and pursue the MBA degree

    1. Will be permitted, with approval of the director of the MBA program, to transfer in for credit hours of 60000- or 70000- level graduate physics coursework. Transfer will be approved for a graduate-level course that is equivalent to DESC Statistics and other 60000- or 70000-level coursework taken in the Department of Physics and Astronomy

    2. Will be required to complete such additional coursework as required of other MBA students and as is provided in the applicable TCU Graduate Studies Catalog. The student will work closely with the academic program director to plan his/her schedule.

Prospective candidates for the Ph.D. in Physics or the Ph.D. with Business Option should be advised that the maximum term of fellowship or assistantship support through the Department of Physics & Astronomy is five years, and support for MBA courses from the TCU Department of Physics and Astronomy fellowships or assistantship is limited to 18 hours. Financial support for additional hours required for completion of the MBA degree would be the student's responsibility; students would be eligible to apply for financial aid for the second year of MBA study from the Neeley School of Business.