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Community Engagement and Culturally Responsive Practice

Educ Leadership and Higher Ed Graduate ED - College of Education

Long Description (Catalog Description)

Prerequisites: Admission to a TCU College of Education Graduate Program. If not admitted to a graduate program in the College of Education, student must obtain permission of the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies in the College of Education and of the instructor prior to enrolling. This course is recommended for all students who desire to be an education or community leader. It will enable leaders to interface with a variety of community members and organizations. Moreover, this course will address working with classrooms, schools, and the broader community in ways that align with culturally responsive practice. Schools exist as part of the very heartbeat of a community, interfacing with not only the students and families whom they serve, but virtually all other critical agencies and entities on a daily basis: businesses & business organizations, neighborhood associations, community organizations, charitable foundations, child service providers, city/governmental and public service/safety organization, and faith-based organizations. The increasing and evolving complexities imposed by economic need and social challenges/demands make the cohesive planning and collaboration of school and community leaders one of the 21st Century imperatives.



Catalog Course Attributes

CRES - CRES (Comp Race & Ethnic Studies)

Min Units


Max Units


Repeat for Credit


Number Of Repeats



